List of Iron Rich Foods For Babies And Toddlers
Iron is a one of the most important nutrients which is required for proper growth and development in babies and toddlers. It is responsible for the proper functioning of the body as it helps to generate hemoglobin through which the oxygen is carried to the rest of the body. The deficiency of iron restricts make the RBC (red blood cells) go small and pale which is known as anemia, which can impair the core function in a child’s body.
For the healthy upbringing of your baby, the correct proportion of iron is essential. Therefore its diet should be carefully planned in order to fulfill the iron requirements. The milk of a mother contains iron but as a child grows to consume solid food the requirement for food rich in iron increases. The list of some foods rich in iron for your babies diet are as follows:
1. Meat and Poultry
Eggs and Meat provides you with heme iron, which is a form of dietary iron.It isvery easily absorbed by the body. The best sources of heme iron for babies are chicken, pork, lamb, tuna.
2. Eggs
Eggs are best source of iron for babies and toddlers. They are easily available cook and eat. One boiled egg alone contains 1mg of iron. It can be consumed in many ways such as scrambled, omelet, hard or soft boiled. The eggs should always be fresh ones.
3. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are one of the iron-rich food for babies. It can be fed as one of the first solid food to your child. Sweet potato has got lot of nutritional values as it contains Protein, omega 6, carbohydrate, calories, fibre. It acts as an immunity booster, prevents constipation, anemia and strengthen bones. It can be served in many ways such as- Mashed sweet potato, Sweet potato with carrot puree etc.
4. Legumes
Legumes such as lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, and drybeans are good sources of iron. They are full of nutrients along with that they can also be pureed easily. These are also used in making of babyfoods.
5. Seafood
Seafood contains various nutrients essential to your child’s development which includes iron. However, according to doctors, it is better to wait until 9 months for the baby to get introduced with fish. Shellfishes like shrimp, clams, lobsters should be introduced later, may be after a year as the immune system take time to build up.
6. Peanut butter
The American academy recommends peanut butter for babies. The peanut butter which is smooth and thin are recommended. It is easily available in stores. They can be best used as toasts puffs and puree.
7. Green leafy vegetables
Green vegetables rich in iron like spinach, collard, kale, broccoli are recommended for babies. These are also a form of non heme iron.They can be served as a puree or can be made into a paste which can be used as dips, gravies etc.