A Timeline of a Baby’s Growth

Danone India


A Timeline of a Baby’s Growth

In just 12 months your bundle of joy grows from being a helpless new born to an ebullient toddler. The changes in your baby happens in an incredible pace in which they transform from not being able to sit straight to crawling on the floor and then running untiringly throughout the house

New moms and dads aren’t always sure about what to expect next and don’t know if their baby’s development is on the right path. Instead of obsessively comparing your infant’s overall growth to other kids, it’s important to keep in mind that all babies develop at their own pace. There’s a fairly wide “window” for when it is normal for a baby to reach a particular developmental stage. It is not uncommon to see that some babies say their first word at eight months, while others take time and talk a little after the one-year mark. Walking too can take any time between 12–18 months.

Still when we keep these variations in mind we can still chalk out a timeline on an infant’s overall growth by taking into account 3 month period. So here is how your child might grow in the following 12 months:-

Newborn (0–3 months)

During normal baby growth, a new born grows rapidly in the first few months. It’s important that the child is breastfed every 2–3 hours (8–12 times per day). In these months after the first, he or she should grow by about 1.5–2 pounds and grow 1–1.5 inches. During this month a child learns to smile, raise their head and neck when on their tummies, grip things and track things with their eyes.

Infant (4–8 months)

During this time the, infant growth is not as fast progressing as that of in the first 3 months. During this time a child consumes more calories.

Every month during this time, the baby gains about 1.5–2 pounds and grows 2–3 inches. The infant’s weight by 4–6 months is double of what they weighed at the time of their birth. The child during this time can laugh, babble which might sound like coherent words, reach out and grab objects

Toddler (9 months and up)

When your child reaches 8 months, the average boy will weigh between 14.5–17.5 pounds, while girls will weigh about a half-pound less.

At 1 year of age, the typical child weighs about 3 times her birth weight. However, between ages 1–2 a toddler will gain only about 5 pounds. The child during this time can sit without the use of any support, learns to crawl, responds to its name being called, can clap.



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